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Editor, Economic Prism
Contributor's Links: Direct Expressions Economic Prism
MN Gordon is President and Founder of Direct Expressions LLC, an independent publishing company. He’s the Editorial Director and Publisher of the Economic Prism – an E-Newsletter that brings clarity to the muddy waters of economic policy and targets investment opportunities for ...more

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The War And Peace Of Secular Market Cycles
With a possible exception for gold, the fear premium across various markets just over one month from onset of what could be a major war is generally nowhere to be found.  What to make of it?
What The End Of Fed Rate Hikes Means For Stocks
Assuming the Fed starts cutting rates in October of this year, the S&P 500 may not reemerge from the woods until it bottoms out in April 2025.
What Brookfield’s Default Has To Do With You
The two most common purchases by the average person that require financing are for automobiles and houses.  Relatively higher interest rates make the debt payments on these purchases incredibly burdensome.
Is The Bank Crisis Already Over?
Intervening in credit markets to suppress interest rates via central bank asset purchase schemes is not without consequences.
Opendoor: Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride
Buying shares of Opendoor at this moment has nothing to do with investing.  But it has everything to do with taking a flier on a cheap thrill ride.
What’s Up With Gold?
U.S.based gold investors may be frustrated by the dollar’s strength. With consumer price inflation raging at a 40-year high, shouldn’t the price of gold be shooting to the moon?
The Ugly Transformation Of Netflix
Don’t misconstrue Netflix’s collapse as a suitable buy opportunity. 
Is It Game Over For Washington Checkers Players?
The initial centerpieces of the massive sanctions against Russia included cutting Russian financial institutions off from SWIFT and preventing the Russian Central Bank (Bank of Russia) from using its foreign currency reserves.
This Time It's Different
The 2008-09 bailout of Wall Street opened people’s eyes and minds to what’s possible.  Thus as the Fed went into full big business bailout mode in 2020, the plebs started asking…where’s the people’s bailout?  Where’s QE for the people?
Are You Prepared For The Mass Repricing Of Goods And Services?
Rising consumer price inflation is not going away. This, of course, is counter to the “transitory” argument made by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell earlier this year.
Is The Great Post-Pandemic Boom A Great Big Dud?
The prices of certain commodities are down. But not down enough to proclaim price inflation dead. Lumber futures, for example, declined more than 40 percent in June.
Will Larry Summers Save The World Again?
Modern macroeconomics is a boring and dreary trade. 
Financial Repression 101
Visions of fast and easy riches cloud the ability for clear and honest contemplation.
The Ugly Truth About Printing Press Money
Does anyone in Washington give a rip the nation’s beyond broke? Does anyone in Congress care that outright money printing is what’s financing their stimulus bills?
Coming To America: LA Metro’s Model Of Extreme Capital Consumption
The largest spending item in the American Jobs Plan is transportation ($620 billion). Of this, $174 billion will go to electric vehicles, $85 billion to public transit, and $80 billion to passenger and freight trains.
Jerome Von Havenstein: Inflation Or Bust
Earlier in the week, Powell, in testimony to the Senate Banking Committee, confirmed that the central bank would keep the federal funds rate near zero until maximum employment is achieved.
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