Gary Christenson | TalkMarkets | Page 1
Owner, Deviant Investor
Contributor's Links: The Deviant Investor
Gary Christenson is the owner and writer for the popular and contrarian investment site The Deviant Investor and the author of the book, “Gold Value and Gold Prices 1971 – 2021.” He is a retired accountant and business ...more

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Golden Vaccines And Dow To Gold Ratio
The economic, emotional, and physical scars from the virus will torture us for a long time.
Consequences, Crashes And Coronavirus
Cities and states have shut down, hospitals are overwhelmed, infections and deaths are rising exponentially, sporting events, restaurants, bars, and shopping centers are closed, and more. Unemployment is spiking higher.
Silver And Sanity
Silver is real money, not a debt-based fiat currency that will eventually fail. Silver bullion production requires capital and effort to mine and refine.
The Fed Is A “Pickle”
The Federal Reserve is monetizing bonds—directly funding the federal deficit because congress and the administration spend more than their revenues. The coming recession will increase the shortfall, expand debt and force more monetization.
The Care And Feeding Of Bubbles
Oops, the coronavirus expanded into a bubble of illness and deaths. Like all bubbles, financial or otherwise, this one will expand, burst, collapse and cause collateral damage.
Price Extremes, The Trapped Fed And Scapegoats
Since 2009 stocks have risen into a bubble fueled by inexpensive debt, buybacks, and QE. Most commodities have not matched the price increases.
Not-Predictions For 2020
Stocks are pushed up by QE and increasing debt until they can’t rise further.
Facts And Speculations – Next Decade
It is likely that runaway inflation or a deflationary depression are in our future—maybe both.
Inflation: Dead Or Alive?
Inflation is destructive and deflation, stagflation and hyperinflation are worse.
The Naughty List And Grizzly Bears
The official US national debt in 1913 was $2.91 billion. In 1971, when President Nixon lied about temporarily disconnecting gold from the dollar, the official national debt was $398 billion.
Blowing Bubbles For Fun And Profit
Global debt exceeds $250 trillion. Much of it will not be repaid.
Silver And The Deep State
The “Deep State” has been a high-profile topic for several years.
Revisiting The Dow To Gold Ratio
If your savings and retirement are based on stocks or gold, whether the ratio rises or falls is important.
Gold Prices – The Next Five Years
Gold prices were inexpensive for the first five months of 2019 and are slightly undervalued at the end of July 2019.
Inflation Ghosts: Past, Present & Future
Do you own enough gold and silver? Bullion is insurance against currency devaluations, bad economic policies, inflation, derivative monsters, and unexpected financial events.
Goldfinger, Silver And Gold
The Federal Reserve does not want runaway gold prices, as occurred in 1979-1980 and to a lesser extent in 2010—2011. Rapidly rising gold prices cast doubt on the Fed’s competence and their supposed management skills.
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