Is The Rite Aid / Walgreens Merger Really Going To Go Through?

I've been following this situation forever it would seem and even amid the numerous reports that have been floating around on how this deal is expected to go through, there are still speculators out there who have a completely opposite view. It doesn't seem to make sense to me at this point with such a bullish sentiment behind a positive outcome of the "forever deal". At this point, should Rite Aid (RAD) really pull this off, it could mean big things for shareholders, myself included (even with a small position). Obviously this is a speculative stock at this point because, let's face it, the government hasn't been too solid on many of the proposals that have been buzzing around. And the fact that this deal has taken so long and the threats of further suits continue to persist just make it that much more exciting. 

In this acquisition play, personally I'm bullish on the Rite Aid side of things. Even if this Walgreen's (WBA) deal falls through, some are speculating that this could be an option for another company making a push with serious acquisitions, Amazon (AMZN). Seriously? Well, according to a Forbes contributor, that could be an option. Here's a quote from that article:

“Acquisition would likely need to be the vehicle into the market if Amazon enters pharmacy,” Mizuho Securities analysts said. “CVS and Walgreens would be monster deals for Amazon. Rite Aid is a real possibility . . . but we are still not convinced Amazon is interested in entering a highly regulated market like pharmacy.”

As an adrenaline junkie, it is trades like this that get me excited. Sure, it's okay to simply buy, hold and be a "respectable contributor to society" but let's face it, volatility is what keeps things exciting. And right now, I would say Rite Aid is one of the more exciting trades especially considering that with such a large float, the stock is up more than 30% today. I'm not recommending anything here but it is very exciting nonetheless and I'll continue to watch this trade no matter what direction it heads in.  At the end of the day, it's all about preserving gains and staying true to your strategy/plan.

Disclosure: I hold a position in Rite Aid. I'm not an advisor. Do your own research. This isn't an offer to buy or sell any securities mentioned in this article. Please consult a registered ...

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