Can McDonald’s Climb Higher?

McDonald's Corp (NYSE:MCD) has had an incredible time in the market over the past several months. However, what we've seen over the past few days has been concerning. After hitting a high of $131.60 on May 10, we've seen declines in the value of the stock, and those declines are starting to concern investors. However, I personally believe that McDonald's has more room to grow. Today, we'll talk about what we saw from McDonald's months ago, what has changed since, why I believe the stock will climb from here, and how binary options traders can take advantage of the trends.

What We Saw From McDonald's Just Months Ago

Less than a year ago, McDonald's was struggling, and for good reason. In the United States, the term McDonald's had become synonymous with bad health. With consumers becoming more and more aware of what they are putting in their bodies when they eat, it only makes sense that this would weigh heavy on the company. In fact, for some time, this issue led to declining sales at the fast food restaurant and eventually caused McDonald's to stop releasing monthly sales reports. The bottom line is that something had to be done to save the company. The good news is that plenty was done.

What We've Seen From McDonald's Since The Company Started Struggling

Since McDonald's started struggling with regard to sales, we've seen several changes that made consumers want to eat at their restaurants again. Not to mention, we've seen positivity in other regions…

  • Artisan Menu Options – McDonald's knew that consumers wanted healthier options when they visited their restaurants. So, McDonald's came up with several artisan menu options. These options included chicken instead of beef, and most of them came with minimal calories. On top of that McDonald's started offering more salad options for those watching what they eat.

  • Healthier Options For Children – Another big issue for the company is that adults did not want their children eating the unhealthy food provided. So, McDonald's has worked to provide healthier options for children. One of the most productive of these moves was giving the option of apple wedges instead of french fries with kid's meals.

  • More Menu Options – On top of the artisan menu options that McDonald's has started to offer, the company also started offering other new menu options. In fact, they are currently testing garlic french flies, which flew off of the shelves during the first test.

  • Sales In Other Regions – McDonald's has also been working incredibly hard to pick up sales in other regions. The company has done incredibly well in China and is expecting for sales in Japan stores to climb relatively soon.

What We Can Expect To See Moving Forward

If you asked me a year ago, my opinion with regard to McDonald's would have been very different. At that time, sales were struggling and it didn't seem like the company had a plan to fix the problem. However, these days, I'm expecting to see incredibly positive movement. The changes the company has made has brought the fast food chain back to life. All in all, things are looking great for the company.

How Binary Options Traders Can Take Advantage Of The Trends

As binary options traders, it's our job to find trends in financial assets and take advantage of those trends for a profit. When it comes to McDonald's the trend is becoming clear. The stock is heading upward. As a result, binary options traders should be looking for strong call option opportunities in order to take advantage of the upward movement.


Disclosure: None.

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